Teste de Nível - Inglês Cambridge

Teste de escolha múltipla. No final será apresentado o resultado do nível de conhecimento com base no QECRL (Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas).
Bom teste!

1. The singer said he was overjoyed to see the stadium ______ full of fans.





2. Vanessa loves making macrame in her spare time. In the future, she hopes that she can ______ some money from her hobby.





3. ______ is even more surprising is that you have never realised this before!





4. We can pretend to be who we want to be when we are among perfect ______





5. As I grew up, I realised that my parents have been ______ all along.





6. ______ all efforts, the fire brigade could not arrive in time.





7. The Stone spheres in Costa Rica are one most mysterious archaeological discoveries ______

  in time.

  to date.

  long time.


8. As soon as I got my first car, I started driving it to work ______ of taking the bus.


  and not



9. He ______ two large bags with all the things he needed for the weekend.





10. She ______ a lot of money on jewellery.





11. The river was frozen, but the ice was too ______ to walk on.





12. Make sure you ______ carefully the oil level on your before the trip.





13. He was a very good manager and ______ was not long before he opened his first business.





14. The workshop on Self-care strongly ______ the importance of going to bed early.





15. According to a recent survey, one in ______ two students plan to be financially independent within three years.





16. ______ I don't think I can ever forget, am willing to move forward in our relationship.





17. Anna got first ______ at a Karate competition last week.





18. The story has to be very engaging and ______ an impact on the reader.





19. I prefer to live on the ______ floors of buildings.





20. Tom always ______ for his classes the night before.




  is getting ready

21. ______ Logan and Kyra were born in London.


  The two



22. The vast majority of people who ______ in the survey are part of the student body.





23. Peter slept until 11 a.m. that morning, but it didn’t ______ because it wasn’t a workday.





24. She ______ ballet once, but she didn’t enjoy it at all.





25. Seeing that you don´t ______ other people to taste your food, you will not taste mine.





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